
Friday 11 November 2016

The Family who Survived an Attack - Narritive Writing

The Family who Survived an Attack

A Long time ago in Paraki Springs lived a Happy family there names where:
Lily the mother,Dustin the Father  & There too kids.  Sam   & Kyla they were both 13 but were born different days  & months. They lived on
Dolan st. Lily was Pregnant with a Baby Girl they were going to name her  Lucy they both agreed.
One Day they went to the Beach to cool of. They all had a wonderful time. Sam  & Kyla were swimming in the ocean *splash* went the water . Lily  & Dustin were sitting in the sun  & Having something to eat.

It was getting late  & the Kids were tired. They Packed up  & Went to the Car *slam* went the door  & Off they went home.. It was an amazing  & Hot day the kids were asleep  & Lily  & Dustin were sleeping when *Ahhh* went Lily she was in Pain *ahh* it was her stomach it was in pain. Dustin carried Lily out to the car & Told Sam  & Kyla to hurry & get into the car. *Brrr* went the car & off they went. Dustin Took Lily to the hospital.  It was 3am in the Morning  & they have been waiting for 30 minutes since they have arrived. Finally the Doctor came to talk to Dustin. He said *we have good news Lily just had a baby* Dustin was shocked *Dustin ran into the room where their she was the new baby girl. *Lily looked tired  & Happy. Lily H&e the Baby to Dustin. The Baby smiled,Dustin smiled back. He kissed Her on the Forehead. Lily was tired  & She needed some sleep so the Doctor said she will stay for 3 more hours to sleep & you can see her after her nap. 3 hours later & Lily was awake & she was eating her breakfast. Dustin,Sam  & Lily came to see her & bring her Home. Lily smiled & got up & they lifted.

1 year later Kyla  & Sam were finally 14  & Both went to Water Park for there Birthday.Lucy turned 4 Today & they were Planning a Party for her.
Sam  & Kyla helped out Make the Place look nice  & Make the yummy foods for the Party.Lily  & Dustin were so happy  & excited. Lucy loved to Play outside with their Dog Luke  & their cat mr Midnight. Mr Midnight was dark as night  & Luke was Bright like the sunset. Lucy was Playing with Luke  & Mr Midnight they had a great time. Rolling around  & Playing tag. Sam  & Kyla was Making Caramel Slice it was Lucy’s Favourite.
They Finished the Food  & it was time for Lucy to open her presents. Lily  & Dustin Got her 7 presents in them were A Teddy bear,  a Big toy Car for her to ride in, a Dollhouse, A Girl doll,A Swing set, Toys  & A Toy Phone for her to play with. Sam  & Kyla got her a Big Chocolate Egg With a Toy With someone Lollies  & Money. After Opening  Presents they had an amazing  & Delicious dinner. *mmmhmm* it was so delicious said Sam. *it was* Said Dustin

Later that night Kyla  & Sam Heard someone Break in & went down stairs to see who was it. It was  man in black he went into the kitchen  & grabbed a Knife. Kyla  & Sam waked up Lucy  & Their Parents. Dustin Got the Bat  & Lily had a gun so if he tried to Stab one of them. The Man walked up stairs looking for them He finally found them & went to attack. They Bumped her over making him hit his head. Sam  & Kyla ran outside with Lucy  & Rang the Police. While Dustin  & Lily tired him up. They were in relief. Lucy was crying in fear  & Terror.
They were wishing for their parents to be alive.  They waited & waited until they parents finally come out with the old man In handcuffs. *Mummy  & Daddy* said Lucy as she ran to them. *Lucy wait up* Sam  & Kyla ran across the road to where their parents were.  *aww lucy* Said Lily when she picked her up.
Lucy smiled. Dustin Smiled back . They were tired  & they wanted to go to bed but the police needed to see if the house is alright & good for the family to go back in.

It was finally over. *Huh* said Kyla  & Sam. They finally got into the house & got some rest. Lucy  & Dustin fell asleep on the couch. Sam  & Kyla Went to their rooms & got ready for bed.  The next day they went to the Pools to cool off & have a fun time & forget the troubles they had last night.  They were happy & blessed to be  happy &  safe .  they were finished & they went home  safe  &  sound.   I wish you never comes back & hurts us again.
They  went home  & had their dinner it was delicious. They Prayed for protection for their family  & Friends. They got ready for bed & Dreamed.

it was finally  & they are going to  grow up go up into young  & Mature Adults  in the future  & I hope they make the right decision.  

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