How to become a King Pig.
Intro: “Have ever wanted to become a king pig but your teacher has not pad attention of your hard work and your amazing attitude while you work on a really hard piece information”.
“Well I have pad attention of your problem and I am going to show you how to get respect from your teacher”.
- First:
“You need to have a amazing attitude and make sure your teacher see’s your screen at all times”.Now you can make sure you are focus on your work and sitting at the right table so you can rely your classmates to get on with their work.
- Now: When you work always give a big smile and always try your best when you work. When your teacher is smiling they will peck around your work because so they can put you where you are supposed to be in.
- After that: When you go outside make sure you are play with the other students that you will not hurt them with your hands,feet,mouth so you can be a responsible around the school , in the school and out of the school grounds.
- Finally: Now when you have done all of those step’s your teacher will see that you are responsible to be on the kig pig and responsible when new kids that has come from another school.
This is great Paris. I notice all the hard work you put into your school work and what a reliable student you are. Keep it up :D