Telephones and how do they work
Who made Telephones and why were they made for.
first put the plug into the jack
after that pick up the handset and dialed the number on the keypad.
Diagrams/ charts
push the switch hook . Here is a Link to the Site
I gave myself a:R2
Because: - I can write some ideas about the topic.
Structure and Language:
I gave myself a:R2
Because:- I can write a beginning, middle and end to my writing.
I gave myself a:R2
Because: - I may only have one sentence in a paragraph or some of my paragraph breaks aren’t clear.
I gave myself a:R1
Because:- I try to use full stops.
- I try to use capital letters.
Sentence Structure:
I gave myself a:R4
Because:I can correctly spell words I use frequently in my writing.
I gave myself a:R5
Because:I try to create mood in my writing by using specific words and phrases for effect.
- I use simile, metaphor and idioms with developing purpose and control.
I gave myself a:R3
Because:I can correctly spell words I use frequently in my writing.
Well done Paris. I wonder if you can go through your work with someone and pick up on the missing capital letters and full stops?