
Friday, 26 May 2017

Extraordinary Eels 😃

Hey you, have you ever heard of Longfin eels and shortfin eels? If you haven’t then don’t worry i’ll help you learn a lot about eels But first did you know eels can live up to 100 years old? Cool right, well eels life cycle takes up to 2 months and eels lay millions of eggs a year.If you want more info,stay tuned for amazing facts and paragraphs about Eels.

Are you aware that all your rubbish that you throw into the ground goes into the sewers and ends up in the rivers and streams in your local area? Well all your rubbish can affect the tuna [Eels] habitat in many ways. Don’t worry you can help them by picking up rubbish to stop them from ending up in rivers,lakes and streams.

If you're still reading this than you’re in for a treat because did you know that Tuna [Eel] numbers are going down because of overfishing. Some eels are going down so much that some fishermen think they might go extinct. Tuna are New Zealand’s most long lived Sea creature and have been in New Zealand for years. We should look after our Tuna not make it more hard for the eels to make more and more if we keep on fishing for them. If we don’t find a way to look after the Tuna we will have no more left.

So Look after our Native Eels so they can live for more generations.

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